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假设你今天早上得知你的一个长期客户,Mr.Hal Franks上周末在一场车祸中丧生,请给对方公司写一封吊唁信表示慰问和怀念之情。此信应包括以下内容:  1)表达你得知这一不幸消息的震惊:  2)提及你与此客户有多年的良好交往:  3)因他是你的长期客户,所以他的逝世会给双方公司的业务往来带来损失:  4)表达肘死者的缅怀之情;  5)向死者家属表示慰问。  (注:因此信是写给对方公司的,所以收信人应为公司负责人,比如:总经理或总裁。)

根据意思将A、B两栏中的句进行匹配。ColumnA1.The past year has been an excellent one for us and we realize how much you have Contributed to our Success.2 I am delighted that you have been elected President of the Los Angles Chamber of Commerce.3.We are all delighted to know that you are making progress and we can expect to see you fit and well very soon.4.We have been in busineNs just one year.It has been atruly suecessful year thanks to you and to many good customers like you.5.Your speech was most interesting and enjoyable and I know that our membe~will remember it for alongtime.Column Ba.For this reason,we want you all to join in our celebration on Marchl.b.Please accept our sincere thanks and deep appreciation.e.May our best wishes help to speed you on towards complete recoveryd.In fact there already have been requests that you be asked to make a return visite.With you at the helm,we can expect a very lively year and I 100k forward to serving under you.

请在下列句子中的划线位置填上连词。1)The manager asked him______he left work early yesterday.2)The tearcher warmly greeted his students______he saw them3)______Jack said,the film was really exciting.4)I won’t go to the camp______you gowithme.5)My parents wanted to help me,______I insist on doing in myself.6)He did not come back______midnight7)______we were late in shipping your goods,we wilt allow you more time for payment.

  下面是一封代理公司写给外国供货商的访华邀请信,请根据内容填空。  Dear Mr.Grier:  We have made extensive______(1)______for the market potential of your thermal processing systems in China and now we are glad to______(2)______you that several customers have shown strong______(3)______in them,particularly the new modeI_ZL387.  Thev seem to be______(4)______with the introduction in your brochure.but woukl like to have a better understanding of the technical operation of the systems  We are glad.therefore.to invite and warmly______(5)______you to visit China in this autunm for technical presentation and commercial negotiation.Your visit may______(6)______10 days,covering Beijing,Dalian,Wuhan and Zigong  Please let us know whether you can______(7)______the trip so that we can make necessary arrangements  Best regards.

改正下面这封介绍信中的语法错误(共有十处)。Dear Mr.Dell:  Joseph Elliot,who does a splendid sell job for us in the North America,was telling me other day that he is planning to add some leather products to make him to increase his sales volume  I immediately thought you,since unquestionably your newly introdueed leather bags of”May Flower”range are good quality and competitive price,and the fashion design and rich variety will surely prove attractive to buyers of various taste He jumped at the idea and will be calling on you when he is going to your city next month.  I very much hope the meeting will be mutually benefit  Yours sincerely,

  假设你公司的技术部经理谢新明拟于今年八月份访问荷兰,探讨扩大合作的可能性。他希望在访问期间能与荷兰的有关工业人士会晤并交换意见。请给你公司在荷兰的客户写一封信,说明出访意图,请让对方就访问的具体安排提出建议。  必要词汇:技术部Technology Department,荷兰Netherlands.工业人士people from industrial field,交换意见exchange views

  假设你公司用从美国进口的原材料加工生产成制成品后再出口到世界各地,现你公司在东南亚地区的销售代理林文清先生提出他想了解产品从原材料供应到制成品生产的整个过程,并将于下个月去美国。他希望首先参观你在美国的原材料供货商的工厂。请你为他写一封介绍信进行引见。  注意:在此封信中至少应包括三方面内容:被介绍人的身份;他前往美国的目的;希望你的供应商为他提供哪些方便并对此表示感谢。根据需要还可对被介绍人的能力等做些说明。  必要词汇:代理agent;东南亚South—East Asia;原材料raw materials;制成品finished products

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。APPLY(1)Over 100______were received for this vacancy but only 35______were given an interview(2)This regulation is______to all the employees.

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。INFORM(1)Please do not hesitate to write if you need more______.(2)The police found out the trace of the kiIler from their______.(3)I enjoyed listening to his lectures because they are very______.(4)News from______soHrces indicates that the banker is in critical sitlIarion.

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。KNOW(1)She got married even without the______of her parents.(2)Teddy is very______about photography(3)He is______internationally fnr his outstanding academic achievements.(4)Those employers who.______employ illegal immigrants will be heavily fined.