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根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录。You are production manager in an office furniture factory.Yesterday.you received a memorandum from the marketing manager asking that you manufacture 475 Scepter desk chairs for next month’s promotional sale.Your stock of the special aluminum alloy needed to make the chairs is depleted,a new supply will arrive in three months.Write a memorandum explaining the situation.Offer to make the chairs from steel alloy stock that you do have in inventory Address:J.Terence Landry,Marketing Manager,Suite 45 A,Main Building.参考译文:你是一家办公室家具工厂的生产经理。昨天你收到了营销经理的一份备忘录,请求你生产475把“权杖”牌办公椅准备给下个月的促销会用。生产椅子要用的特殊铝合金存货已经用完。新的铝合金供货要三个月后才能到。写一份备忘录解释这个情形。提议用你的存货中还有的钢合金来造椅子。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录。As president of an automobile parts manufacturer,you received a memorandum today from an assembly—line employee.Last month,she tore her work uniform on a piece of equipment on the assembly line.She asked her supervisor to pay for a replacement.The supervisor refused,saying that the equipment is safe and that the tear must have been caused by carelessness.Write a memorandum to the employee telling her that the authority to make such a decision has been delegated to her supervisor.However.you will ask one nf the vice presidents to discuss the incident with her supervisor.Address:Laura P.Zeigler,Bearings Assembly Room.参考译文:你是一家汽车零件制造厂的总经理。今天你收到了一位装配线雇员的备忘录。她上个月在装配线上的一件设备上挂破了她的工作服。她要求她的工段主任付钱买件新的工作服。主任拒绝了,他说设备是安全的,撕破衣服是她自己不小心。给这位雇员写一份备忘录,告诉她在这件事上的决策权下放给了她的主任。然而你会要求一位副总经理跟她的主任讨论这件事。

找出下面段落中实质性信息和非实质性信息。用E代表实质性信息,I代表非实质性信息。例:One common method of correcting typing mistakes is known as“opaquing correction fluid”.In other words,it is a fluid which Covers the error with a paper—colcured film.Essential:First sentence(实质信息:第一句)Inessential:Second sentence(非实质信息:第二句)1.First of all,the trainees are told what skill is to he practised during the training session.This stage is called the“briefing”.2.The sun was shining brightly through the window as Mrs.Lee erltered the room.She announced that the examination results would be displayed in the college entrance halt the following afternoon.3.At this point we should consider the qualifications required for suitable trainees.It is vital that all candidates should have good speeds and an adequate command of English.4.The quotation we asked for came in this morning’S post.It had been sent in a pale green envelope.5.Generally speaking,light ink on dark paper is less effective than dark ink on light paper.For example,white ink on dark green paper is not recommended.6.Miss Banda has been appointed as Typing Pool Supervisor.She has worked for the company for 12 years.7.The lack of demand for the products of one industry will affect other industries which supply the raw materials to make these products.An instance of this was the fall in demand for ships, which led to a decline in the steel making industry.8.It was obvious that something was wrong in the stores section.It was soon discovered thai petty theft was widespread.9.I now corne to my final point in my speech tO you this aftemoon. Because of increa~d demand and record sales,the company plans to build a new factory and employ 800 extra people.10.This concentration of certain industries in certain areas is known as “specification”.In other words.particular areas are said to speeialise in the manufacture of certain types of product.

辨认标明非实质信息的短语。1.In business,goods&le generally bought on credit,that is.they are paid for some time after delivery.2 If goods are to be paid for later,then the seller will send an invoice which informs the buyer through the post.This is a document which informs the buyer of the quantity,description,price and value of the goods he has purchased.3.Most businesses,especially those using machine accounting,do not show aIl these details but instead use a form of simplified accounting.4,Many organlsations,and particularly the larger ones,have turned more and more to the use of machinery for their office work.5.It is important to know the quantity and value of goods in stock in order that the balance sheet can be completed.Stock may bc defined as goods bought for sale,for manufacture and then for resale, or goods manufactured waiting to be sold.6.Many other items appear on a stock sheet,which would run to several pages,and different types of stock would be grouped together. For instance,a furniture company might have Bedroom,Dining Room,Lounge,and Kitchen Furniture as main subdivisions,and under each of these further groupings would be made.7.How does a business sell?How does it find its customers?It does so in the following ways:1.By advertising,that is,making itself known.Advertising takes allsorts offorms:1)Printcd—e.g leaflets,brochures,posters,etc.2)Personal-1.e.using people,such as commercial travellers or sales representatives.2.By dealing with the enquiries received,for instance,letters or telephone calls.3.By offering inducements to possible customers.Examples of such inducements range from free samples to longer credit terms than those offered by competitors.4.By offering geyods in attractive packs.For example,the shape of the bottle,the design and colour of the label,and the choice of a name can do a great deal to sell bottled goods,e.g.perfumes,fruit Juices,sauces and creams.

请看下面的条形图并回答问题。1)Which country is most unsafe to in vestin?______2)Which country ranks immediately before Chile in countryrisk?______3)Which three countries have the same country—risk rating?______4)Which country is safest to invest In?______

从下面的词汇表中选出合适的单词和短语填进短文中的空白里。Degree of movement:rapidly,swiftly,markedly,modestlyStopping movement:to bring to a haltRising movement:to rise,to climb,to increase,to growFalling movement:to fall,to drop,to dip,to descend,to slumpThe major trends in computer production are clear from the graph above.Production______steadily in all three countries between 1971 and 1972 but by 1973,production had already started to______intheUK.In contrast,outputintheUS______to reach a peak of 9.7 million in 1973.The financial crisis in 1974 led to a large______in output in all three countries,but especially in the US where it from 9.7 6.7 million in 1975,The downward trend was______to a halt in the US and Japan but production continued tO in the UK after 1975.In the US,produetion levelled oH at 9.2 million while in Japan,it______steadily so that in 1980 it actually overtook American output.In fact,after 1978 US production______in the following three years______2.9 million.

看下面的图表,然后给句子中的空白填空。1.Except for______ all the airlines experienced an increase in their cost per seat—mile in 1996.2.The airline that had the highest cost per seat—mile is______.

用下面柱形图中的信息完成下列句子。你可以从下列的词和短语中选出合适的填入空格中。1.Sales of detergents were______higher in July and August.2.They were lower in December than in November.3.There was a______downward trend in laundry soap sales over the year.4.December sales were______half our January sales.5.In fact our December sales were______33 1/3%down on the June figure.6.Fabric softener sales grew______in the first three months.7.From April onwards,there was a——upward trend.8.By December they were______treble the January figure.9.Skincare products had a______slower rate of increase than labric softener sales.10.However sales improved______over the last three months.

看下面的图表并回答问题,在空白中填进数字。1)In 1978 how much was spent on small business computers?______2)In 1975 how much was spent on minicomputers?______3)What was the total U.S.shipment of computer systems in 1977?______4)What is the projection for small business computers in 19837 For minicomputers?For total U,S.shipments?______

看下面的折线图并在1996年9月的生产会议记录摘要的空白里填上合适的数字。Mr.Jameson,Production Manager,reviewed 1994.He stated that demand exceeded supply for most of the year.In January,mainly because of the Christmas break,production fell below target by______(1)units.This fact meant that the early part of February was spent in clearing the backlog of orders.To do this,the factory worked at full capacity for the whole month and reached a total of______(2)units.It dropped slightly in the following two months by______(3)units and levelled off at around______(4)in May and June.July was our busiest month.Production peaked at______(5)unitsbefore dropping to______(6)units below the annual average in August.Once the summer holiday period ended,production climbed gradually to reach______(7)again in September and it actually met our target in October.The last two months of the year were dogged by maintenance problems and by an industrial dispute at the end of November.The figure for November was well below average at______(8) and December was only slightly better at______(9).