筛选结果 共找出13

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。APPLY(1)Over 100______were received for this vacancy but only 35______were given an interview(2)This regulation is______to all the employees.

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。INFORM(1)Please do not hesitate to write if you need more______.(2)The police found out the trace of the kiIler from their______.(3)I enjoyed listening to his lectures because they are very______.(4)News from______soHrces indicates that the banker is in critical sitlIarion.

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。KNOW(1)She got married even without the______of her parents.(2)Teddy is very______about photography(3)He is______internationally fnr his outstanding academic achievements.(4)Those employers who.______employ illegal immigrants will be heavily fined.

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。DEVELOP(1)China is the largest______country in the world while the US is the largest______country,(2)The fast economic______of China in the past two decades has attracted worldwide attention(3)The______was sued for the poor quality of the building

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。DIRECT(1)Large amount ofmoney has been______towards alleviating poverty in mountainous region .(2)The proposal will be submitted tO the Board of______for final decision.(3)I found the company by looking through the local trade.(4)Please read the______carefully before taking the pills.(5)He would not say yes or no,but gave an______answer to my question.

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。INDUSTRY(1)In some of the more______countries,environmental poilution is a big problem.(2)This global company was created by a prominent______in early 1920s.(3)The Trade Union pressed the management to pass two regulations on______safety.(4)With the acceleration of the______process,more and more rural population flow to urban areas.

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。IMPRESS(1)His performance in the speech contest is very______.(2)It’s very important to create a good______in job inter view.(3)I am afraid he was______by our new model.

 下面是一则招聘广告和针对这份广告的应征信,信中的一些词被抽掉了,请将它们填上,并仔细体会写信人是如何根据广告的要求陈述自己的资历的。  Dear Sir:  The office manager position listed in your______(1)______in Monday’s State News interests me.I______(2)______my experience,education and personal qualities______(3)______me welI for this posmon·  Mv fivc years of work experience(see______(4)______resume)have taught ine to do all phases of office work.For the past two vears I have been in______(5)______of payrolls at Gynes Manufacturing Company.As the administrator of payrolls,I have had to______(6)______all types of office operations,including records management and general correspondence Although I am happy on this job,it does not offer the career______(7)______  Complementing my work experience are my studies at Metropolitan Community College In______(8)______to studying the Drescribed courses in my major field of business administration, I selected electives6 to help me in my______(9)______objective·And I believe I have succeeded.In______(10)______ of full—time employment through most of my time in college,I was______(11)______the Associate of Art2 degree last May·But most im portant of all,I learned from my studies how office work should be done.  Furthermore,l have the personal qualities that would______(12)______me harmoniously into your organization.I like people,and through experience I have learned how to work with them.  In summary,my studies and experience have______(1 3)______me for work as an office manager.May I meet with you tO discuss the matter further?Please call me at 263—4938 to______(14)______an intervicw  Sincerely,

用大写字母的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。COMPETE(1)The three firm merged in order to increase their______in the world market(2)We would place a large order if your quotation is______.(3)The flood of imported goods made the______in domestic market even more intense.(4)All the______managed to finished the race.

  将下列句子翻译成英文。  1)我是一名主修经济学的学生,将于今年六月份毕业,我希望应聘你方刊登在今天《邮报》上的研究助理一职。  2)我曾在大学主修财会,并且有这方面的工作经验,所以我相信我能胜任你方在今天的《快报》上招聘的初级会计一职。  3)贵公司是否能为一位受过良好的会计业务培训并愿意从事数据处理工作的年轻人提供一个职位?  4)我很希望有机会与您讨论这一职位,并亲自向您说明我能为贵公司做些什么。我可否下星期给您打电话以确定一个对您方便的时间与您会面?  5)十分感谢您昨天面试我,讨论我所应聘的贵公司销售代理一职。  6)得知瓦仑公司录用我为技术代表,我十分高兴。对我来讲这是一个极好的机会,我接受此工作。  7)得知贵公司目前没有职位空缺,我自然有些失望,但我希望您能记住我的申请,以备将来贵公司需要我这种资历的人。