筛选结果 共找出17

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录。You are one of the account supervisors mentioned in Case 1.Write a memorandum to the new advertising director telling him that you will be glad to meet with him to discuss the new advertising program.Suggest that you meet next Wednesday morning or Thursday afternoon in your office.Address Manuel Lopez,Advertising Director,Suite 495,Munter Building.参考译文:你是案例1中提到的业务督导之。给新任的广告主任写一份备忘录,告诉他你将很高兴与他会面,讨论新的广告项目。提议星期三早晨或星期四下午在你办公室里会面。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录。You are supervisor of the word—processing centre of a company.Your managing director has given your centre a heavy working loadtyping a large number of letters announcing the launch of a new product developed by your company.The letters are to be mailed directly to your prospective customers as part of your promotional campaign.However,you find it difficult t0 meet the deadline(30 May, 1995)because 5 employees in your centre have 1eft t0 work for another company.Also, two minicomputers in your centre haye broken down.Write to the managing director reporting this situtation and make suggesti(ms as to homr to get out of the difficulty.Address:McDonald Lee,Managing Director,Room 1001.Main Building参考译文:你是一家公司文字处理中心的主管。你的总经理给你们中心很重的工作量——要打印许多信宣告推出你们公司研制的一种新产品。作为你公司促销运动的一部分,这些信要直接寄给你们可能的买主。但是,你发现要在最后期限(1995年5月30日)之前完成任务很困难,因为你们中心的五位雇员离开了公司,去为另一家公司工作。此外,你们中心的两台微型电脑出了故障。给总经理写备忘录,报告这个情况,并提出建议如何摆脱困境。

请修改下面的备忘录。把冗长烦琐的语句简化,使意义更清楚无误。To:Messrs.Wilson,JamesonFrom:R.J.SimpsonSubjeet:Visit with Brady ConstructionDate:June 12,1995    To alleviate the shortage of waYehouse space,Mr.Lefevre and the writer have initiated preliminary negotiations with Brady Construe—tion Company for the construction of three new warehousing complexes in Glasgow,Manchester,and Luton;and it is mandatory that we must know the requirements for space needs no later than July 15.Representatives of Brady plan to visit our premises during the entire week of July 15 to contact each one who has responsibilities for Receiving.Storing,and Shipping Departments,and you must check your calendars now immediately,informing the writer of plans you may have arranged to be absent from your desk during that period.    Brady appears eminently qualified to undertake the design and construction of these facilities;our previous meetings with their representatives were encouraging.

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录。Small and Inverness,an accounting firm,has decide to begin advertising for business for ther first time.You were hired as the Dewadvertising director and are now designing an advertising program.You need a 15 minute appointment with each of the firm’s 15 account supervisors to discuss their ideas about how best to advertise the firm.Write a form memorandum to be routed to each of the supervisors.参考译文:Small and Inverness是一家会计公司,它决定首次登广告招揽生意。你被聘任为新的广告主任,现在正准备设计一个广告项目。你需要跟该公司的15位业务督导每人会面15分钟,讨论他们关于该如何最好地为公司做广告的想法。写一份统一形式的备忘录发送给每位督导。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录You fire the production manager mentioned in Case 3.Write a memorandum to the chemist who wants your assistance in preparing sample capsules of the asthma symptom relieving drug.Agree to meet in his laboratory and suggest that the meeting be held either Mondav or Tuesday of next week.Address:Dr.Abraham Mink。vitz.Lantz Memorial Laboratory,Twin Crosses Building.参考译文:你是案例3中提到的生产经理。给那位需要你帮助准备缓解气喘病症状药品的样品胶囊的化学师写·份备忘录。同意在他的实验室里见面,提议在下周一或周二见面。

根据下面所提供的案例。写出相应的备忘录。You rcceive an announcement(plus descriptive folder)of the Busincss Show to be held at the Continental Hotel in Glasgow.This show.which features exhibits of new office equipment,furniture,and supplies,will run for three days beginning Monday,August 12.You want to go for two days(Monday and Tuesday next week)and to take with you two fellow employees(Miss Maple and Mr.Poirot)who have also expressed an interest in the show.You plan to drive up and retum the following Wednesday,and you estimate the total cost of the trip for all three of you to be about$300.Write a memo to your boss.Ms.Janet Baker,Office Supervisor,for permission to go and to be reimbursed for your expenses.Addres:Ms.Janet Baker,Office SuDervisor,Room 453,Central Building.参考译文:你收到了一份通知(包括一份描述详情的宣传品),宣布下个月在格拉斯哥市五洲大旅馆将举行商务展览会。这个展览会将展出新办公设备,办公家具和办公用品。展览会将从8月12日星期一起举行三天。你想去参加两天(下周一和二)并且带两位主任同去(Maple小姐和Poirot先生),因为他们也表示有意去。你们计划开车去,下周三gl来。你估计这次出差的总开支为300美元。给你的老板,办公室主任Janet Baker女士写一份备忘录,请求批准参加这个展览会并报销开支。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录。As vice president for a large investment company,you just received a request from the supervisor of the word processing center.He tells you that the center’s work load is two weeks behind schedule.One answer is to allow employees to work on weekends,which they will do if paid double—time wages.Your company has always had a policy of never paying double—time wages.Also,you think it will set an example that employees in other departments might expect to follow if you grant this permission.You are willing to hire additional temporary employees if the supervisor can document the problem.Write a refusal memorandum.Address:J.Golden Lanager,Supervisor,Word Processmg Center.参考译文:你是一家大投资公司的总裁。你刚刚收到文字处理中心主任的一个请求。他告诉你该中心的工作负荷已晚期两周。一个解决办法就是允许雇员们在周末工作;如果付给他们双倍工资.他们就会干。你的公司始终有不付双倍工资的规定。另外,你认为如果你批准这个请求的话,就会给别的部门的雇员开一个先例。假如这位主任能够提供文件证明这一问题,你就会乐意雇用额外临时工。写一份拒绝的备忘录。

根据下面所提供的案例。写出相应的备忘录。You work as a senior internal auditor at Drexler Industrics in Madison,Wisconsin.As a part of your job,you often write reports to upperqevel managers.Most of these reports contain statistical data.To help you prepare more effective tables and figures for thesc reports.you want to attend a computer graphics seminar that will be held in Houston,Texas.The seminar is entitled“Applying Computer Graph ics to Accounting Problems.”Write a memorandum to your supervisor asking her to give you the time off from work to attend the seminar and to grant permission for reimbursement of your expenses.Address:Amy D.Lowe,Vice President;400 Statler Wing;Masters Building.参考泽文:你是威斯康星州麦迪逊市德雷克斯勒工业公司的内部高级审计员。你工作的一部分就是给高层经理们写报告。大部分报告都含有统计数据。为了帮助你自己给这些报告准备更有效的表格和数字,你想参加即将在得克萨斯州修斯顿市举行的电脑图象研讨班。该研讨班名为“电脑图象应用于会计问题”。写一份备忘录给你的主任,请求她给你脱产时间参加该研讨班并批准报销你的开支。

根据下面所提供的案例。写出相应的备忘录。You recently received a circular announcing a two day workshop on data processing for modern management to be held a month from now at the Century Plaza Hotel in Manchester.The programme looks interesting to you because you are becoming more and more involved in data processing,particularly computer programming and systems analysis.You would like to go,but you must get the permission of your boss,Mr.Jackmn.Write a memo to him tO present your reasons for attending this workshop and request his permission.Address:Ronald Jackmn,Vice President,Room 234,Main Building.参考译文:你最近收到了一份通告,宣告一个月后在曼彻斯特的世纪大厦将举行一个为时两天的现代管理数据处理研讨班。这项计划在你看来很有意义,因为你越来越多地卷入进数据处理,尤其是电脑编程和系统分析。你想去参加,但必须得到你老板杰克逊先生的允许。给他写一份备忘录,提出你参加这个研讨班的理由并请求他批准。

根据下面所提供的案例,写出相应的备忘录You are office supervisor of a large company.Your company has installed a large number of photocopiers in its offices.This has facibtated the duplication of documents However,you have found that quite a few employees use the machines for perssonal documents.Also,because many people don’t know how to operate the photocopiers properly,breakdowns and waste of photocopying paper are on the rise.Write a memo to all office clerks establishing a clear policy concerning the use of photocopiers in your company’s office.参考译文:你是一家大公司的办公室主管,你们公司最近在各办公室里安装了大量复印机。这使得复制文件很便利。然而,你发现很多雇员用复印机来复制私人文件。此外,由于许多人不知道怎样正确地使用复印机,出故障的次数和复印纸的浪费也在增长。给所有办公室的职员写一份备忘录,确市使用公司办公室复印机的一项明确政策。